I keep telling myself "No more retail, it doesn't even come with gum" but time and time again I find myself standing in the card aisle at Target like an addict staring at all the shiny packs of cards.
It happened again this time the allure of a new baseball set on the shelves couldn't keep me away and I bought a $10 rack pack with 14 whole cards in it.... YAY!
This golden Encarnacion was the nicest card to fall out of my overpriced rack pack #'d 31/50
These pink parallels are awesome looking, not gonna lie I sold the 3rd one to recoup some of my money spent as I had instant buyer's remorse.
Most of that had to do with me pulling exactly zero Braves or even guys I like really.
So if you see anything you like let me know and it's all yours. Save these beautifully shiny cards from oblivion aka my trade box and if you have any Braves i'll trade you for them.